Are you living your life full out? What would your life be like if you embraced all of your textures?


You want your life to be fuller, richer, and more meaningful. When we work together to create the space for you to step into embracing all of what your life has to offer, that is the manifestation of living a textured life. Coaching is all about you and what you want. Our coaching relationship will help get you there.

Look, your life is probably pretty good right now. I’m not going to fix you or solve your problems. I know what you’re looking for is finding a way to feel more alive. What I know is that you want more. More out of life, to feel more alive, more awake. You don’t want to hunker down in your life and feel that life has passed you by. Why not take a chance and invest in yourself. Wake up feeling more confident, capable and clear. 


My aim is for you wake up everyday being totally in love with your life, embracing all of your textures. ALL of your textures. Not just the ones you think other people want for you. The ones want for yourself.

With me as your coach, I will…

  • Create a safe and courageous environment for us to work

  • Explore where you are, where you want to go and how to close the gap

  • Nurture you, push you, accept you, honor you, & listen deeply to you 

  • Hold a mirror for you so that you can clearly see all of who you are with love

  • Empower you to intentional choice & inspire you to dream bigger

  • Celebrate you:  your wins, loses, breakthroughs, breakdowns and triumphs


“Always be a first rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of someone else.”

~Judy Garland

Step into your textured life…